Türkiye – A country on the move

by Lean Scaleup | December 16, 2022
Türkiye – A country on the move

Upon special invitation from the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TIM), Lean Scaleup’s Frank Mattes was invited as keynote speaker and Masterclass lecturer at the recent Turkish Innovation Fair.

This is a showcase of Turkish innovation, and an event program with master classes, panel discussions, speeches and awards and ca. 2,000 visitors.

TIM was interested in absorbing the Best Practices in new-business building that are baked into the Lean Scaleup framework. This will be one of the many activities within TIM’s masterplan to advance the country’s innovation performance.

Currently, Türkiye is on 41 globally – ahead of e.g., Mexico, South Africa and the Arab states (except UAE).

Frank’s photo was taken in a panel discussion about the innovation mindset.

As summarized by Dr. Hüseyin Güler: Mistakes are a natural part of the job. In an environment of uncertainty, it is not possible for us to know everything, to be able to take everything into account. Our job is to move forward as far as we can see and what we know. So we can’t solve every problem. 

Of course, there will be resistances. And a lot. Is there ever innovation without resistance? If we are being criticized and someone is putting us in the crosshairs, let’s say thank you. So we’re doing good things and we’re being given an opportunity to do better.