The Challenge.
Companies conduct out-of-the-box innovation to create new growth and to transform the company. However, only
of initiatives make it to market launch. And only a quarter of those who do generate more than $50m in annual revenues.
The result: No new growth. No transformation. The innovation function is seen as ‘innovation theater’ – a costly hobby but not a driver for new growth.
The Challenge Solved.
Success from out-of-the-box innovation.
Nexwave is Amadeus’ business incubator. Our client Steve Kopp leads Nexwave’s incubation office, in charge of strategy, governance, operations, portfolio management and marketing & communications.
In a recent video, Steve shared why Nexwave decided to replace its existing approach to business building and how he sees the fruits of our collaboration emerging.
More Success Stories.
Meet some of our clients.
Like you, they are from industry-leading companies.
Corporates who excel in their current business models while at the same time wanting to explore and create new businesses.
Like you, they have a mandate to transform and to create.
They lead innovation centers, Digital labs, corporate incubators / accelerators or corporate startups.
Like you, they ran into challenges.
Scaling outside-of-the-box innovations is hard. It requires careful alignment of the proven NOW with the uncertain NEW.
They applied the Lean Scaleup.
What did they get? Business impact in the market. Increased reputation inside the company.

We designed and validated a business model innovation. There is significant interest from a number of companies. But our C-suite is not ready to invest significant money and they are not prepared to give us entrepreneurial autonomy.
We worked with Lean Scaleup advisors: What’s missing for the innovation to be really‘ready to be scaled’? How does our ‘set-up for success’ look like – using Core’s assets where it makes sense and build / partner in other areas? How do we lead the discussions with C-suite?

Our company has lots of ideas and great technology. We also have heaps of PoCs and MVPs – but they do not scale. We are not excellent in building new businesses. It takes us ages to make a few baby steps.
We worked together with Lean Scaleup advisors on solving the big questions. How do we embed new-business building in the (Digital) Transformation agenda so that we win C-suite? How do we secure BU and corporate support beyond funding? How should structures and systems be designed so that we can move at pace?

We validated our corporate startup to be scale-worthy and scale-ready. We received the funding to go from 3 to 30 customers.
Having stakeholder trust is good, but not good enough. We need corporate assets and capabilities to de-risk and accelerate the journey.
However, they can’t support us extensively due to their agenda and their KPIs. What are best practices in NOW/NEW collaboration models? How can I arrange a win/win agreement?
How To Get Started.
The momentum behind The Lean Scaleup is clearly growing.
In our monthly discussion forums, we see a growing number of practitioners from prime companies. Over 100 joined us to write the book on the next version of the framework.
Many want to learn more about Best Practices in generating new growth outside of the box and scaling innovation.
Frequently, these conversations culminate with the question, “sounds convincing – how do we start?”
Quite often, our first joint steps to upgrade their company’s out-of-the-box innovation are the ones that you find below.
The References.
Nexwave is Amadeus’ business incubator. Our client Steve Kopp leads Nexwave’s incubation office, in charge of strategy, governance, operations, portfolio management and marketing & communications.
In a recent video, Steve shared why Nexwave decided to replace its existing approach to business building and how he sees the fruits of our collaboration emerging.
… and more.
You can filter the list by industry sector by clicking on the relevant headline.

The Books.

Why is out-of-the-box innovation mandatory?
How to leverage your company’s assets and capabilities effectively?
How to create a setup for success?
Understand why most companies fail because their frameworks are not sufficient.
Get inspiration from from case studies and Best Practices.
Learn which pieces your company needs to put in place.
Benefit from the framework that helped dozens of companies succeed.
And The Framework.
The Lean Scaleup™ – A systematic approach to succeed in out-of-the-box innovation. Actionable and practical.
Co-created by 100+ corporate and academic experts.
The thesis: To solve the scaling challenge, your company needs to make two distinct value creation systems work together: Winning NOW (some call this Exploit or Perform) and creating NEW (Explore or Transform).
To do so, companies need to build a bridge between NOW and NEW and acquire four learnable skills.

The Framework as Podcast.
For a more comprehensive understanding, please have a look at chapter 5 of the book "NOW and NEW."