Lean Scaleup Roundtable: How to transition to Scaling-Up?

by Lean Scaleup | October 5, 2022
Lean Scaleup Roundtable: How to transition to Scaling-Up?

Excellence in corporate business building: What do practitioners see as the most important issues in transitioning from validation to Scaling-Up?

On board Lufthansa LH454, above the clouds and on my way to San Francisco. A good spot to reflect on yesterday’s Roundtable.

A dozen practitioners, coming from diverse industries like FMCG, Automotive, Software, Electrical, Agriculture, Telecom, etc., spent an hour with us in lively debate.


1. You must to have validated ‘worthy to be scaled’ AND ‘ready to be scaled’ before you invest millions into making it big. Luckily, there is a sequence/process, clear deliverables with associated thinking tools and the mindset / SAAS toolbox to drive the validation exercise. All created by leading companies and summarized under the Lean Scaleup approach.

If you want to absorb these rapidly, join the book co-creation process.

If you want to discuss particular topics, sign up for our Roundtables.

2. A solid set-up for Scaling-Up success requires a pre-negotiated collaboration model between Core and scaleup, discussed and agreed together with Senior Management.

Such an approach gives your company the chance to keep the delicate NOW / NEW balance alive.

3. Scaling external startups after Proof-Of-Concept / Pilot bears many similarities to scaling up a corporate startup. We’ll work on this insight in the book co-creation.


“As a scaleup, you need to demonstrate your value to the corporate functions. A common language that speaks in business terms and not in innovation jargon opens doors.” 

“A successful product/market fit and first customers do not mean the initial business model is valid and ready to be scaled up,” (see Bastien Canonge’s post here).


How do YOU structure the transitional phase between validation and Scaling-Up where Core business (“NOW”) and scaleup (“NEW”) need to be aligned?