Pre-Release: Lean Scaleup 2023.

Get early access to chapter 2.

What is the whole thing about?

Lean Scaleup, the emerging standard for corporate entrepreneurship, will be out in a second, revised and extended edition in early 2023.

The first edition was co-created by more than 20 companies and 2 business schools. And so will be the second edition. It will feature:

  • A deep-dive into the framework
  • Case studies: Showing how leading companies – up to Fortune 10 – have solved their business building challenges

The second edition is being co-created currently, together with 80+ practitioners.

What is chapter 2 about?

Chapter 2 is 43 pages in a book layout. It will cover:

  • Strategic factors that generate VUCA and must be sensed in due time
  • Why most companies are not good at leveraging their corporate assets and capabilities
  • How you could quickly determine where your company stands
  • The root cause why companies struggle in new-business building
  • Secondary causes that amplify the issues
  • The reasons why your company must become excellent in new-business building
  • How the Lean Scaleup fits into the moving parts of innovation excellence

What do I get?

A free PDF of chapter 2 (as of February 13, 2023), if you are among the first 100.

We collect your mail address and put you on the pre-release list. This way, we can inform you when more chapters are online and when we have special pre-release events (e.g., webinars, discussion rounds or the book launch party).

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What do I need to do?

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  • Click below on “I want this!”
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  • Apply the discount code: free2023pdf
  • Enter your email address and click on “Get”

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